Submission Guidelines

General Guidelines for Contributors

IRIS Replication Research Award Announced!

Articles | Review ArticlesForum | ReviewsSubmission Process |Review ProcessIRIS


  • LLT publishes articles of up to 8,500 words that report on original research or present an original framework that links second language acquisition theory, previous research, and language learning and teaching practices that utilize technology. Articles containing only descriptions of software, pedagogical procedures, or those presenting results of surveys without providing systematic empirical data and analysis on language learning outcomes or processes will not be considered. 
  • General guidelines are available for conducting CALL research (see LLT editors CALICO 2011 Workshop slides) and for reporting on both quantitative and qualitative research (see LLT Research Guidelines).
  • Manuscripts that have already been published, are being considered for publication elsewhere, or have been previously rejected by LLT will not be considered. If your submission is part of a larger study or if you have used the same data in whole or in part in other papers published or under review, you must write a cover letter stating where the paper is published/under review and describing how the current submission to LLT makes a different and distinct contribution to the field.
  • Submitted manuscripts that contain substantial portions of the author(s)' own work that has been published in other venues are considered self plagiarism and will not be considered. Authors will be banned from submissions to LLT for a two-year period.
  • Submitted manuscripts that contain substantial portions of others' work that have been published are considered plagiarism, and authors who submit plagiarized work will be banned from publishing in LLT.
  • Authors who use AI tools in the writing of their manuscript, production of images or graphical elements of the paper, or in the collection and analysis of data, must be transparent in disclosing in the Materials and Methods (or similar section) of the paper how the AI tool was used and which tool was used. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by an AI tool, and are thus liable for any breach of publication ethics.

Review Articles

  • LLT publishes review articles of up to 8,500 words that provide a critical overview of empirical research in a given subfield of CALL. The reviews must be comprehensive but focused by capturing ground-breaking studies that have defined the particular subfield. The reviews must also show the impact of CALL research and its applications to language learning and teaching. Click here to see the Call for Papers for the "Review Articles."


  • LLT publishes articles of up to 5,000 words in the Technology Forum, providing a space for language researchers and educators to reflect on their current pedagogical practices and discuss in depth the intersection of technology and language teaching pedagogy. There are 2 sections of this Forum. Click here to see the Call for Papers for the "Language Teaching and Technology Forum." Click here to see the Call for Papers for the "Language Teacher Education and Technology Forum."

Media Reviews

  • LLT publishes reviews of professional books and software related to the use of technology in language learning, teaching, and testing.
  • LLT does not accept unsolicited reviews. 
  • Contact Review Editor, Kristin Rock, if you are interested in having material reviewed or in serving as a reviewer. Send materials you wish to be reviewed to:
Kristin Rock
Department of Linguistics
Poulton Hall 248
1421 37th Street NW
Washington, DC 20057

Submission process

  • All submissions must be uploaded through our online management system at
    You will be asked to first register and log in to use the online system. Complete instructions are provided on the site. Please contact the Managing Editor ( if you experience difficulty. 
  • All article submissions must be properly anonymized and submitted in an editable document format such as Microsoft Word (.docx) or OpenOffice (.odt) file. Please do not include links in the manuscript that reveal the identity of the authors, and be sure to include all sections of your manuscript (e.g., Tables, Figures, Appendices, etc.) in one file.

    IMPORTANT NOTE ON ANONYMIZATION: Authors should anonymize their submissions by referring to themselves in the 3rd person, just like they do for all other references. So instead of replacing their names with "Author," they should simply say, for example, "Warschauer (2010) showed that ..." and include the full citation in the References.

    You can also remove identifying information from the metadata of your document by following the steps below:

    • Microsoft Word for Windows:
      • Go to File
      • Select Info
      • Click on Check for Issues
      • Click on Inspect Document
      • In the Document Inspector dialog box, select the check boxes to choose the type of hidden content that you want inspected.
      • Click Remove All
      • Click Close
      • Save the document
    • Microsoft Word for MacOS:
      • Go to Tools
      • Click Protect Document
      • Select Remove personal information for this file on save
      • Click OK and save the file
  • Articles should be no more than 8,500 words in length, including references and a 200-word abstract. Appendices, not included in the 8,500 words, should be limited to 1,500 words. Lengthy appendices should be included as hyperlinks. Titles of articles should not exceed 10 words and should be adequately descriptive of the content of the article. Forum articles should be no more than 5,000 words in length and commentaries no more than 3,000 words in length.
  • All submissions should conform to the requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition). All authors are strongly encouraged to have their manuscript reviewed for accuracy and clarity by an experienced academic writer prior to submission and desk review. Both American and British English spelling conventions are acceptable. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of all references and citations.
  • Authors are invited to take advantage of the electronic format by including hypermedia links to multimedia and other materials both within and outside the manuscript. However, please make sure the linked contents do not compromise the anonymity of the authors.
  • The editors of LLT reserve the right to make editorial changes to manuscripts accepted for publication for the sake of style or clarity. Authors will be consulted only if the changes are substantive.
  • Authors of accepted manuscripts will assign to LLT the permanent right to electronically distribute their articles, but will retain copyright. Authors may republish their work (in print and/or electronic format) as long as they acknowledge LLT as the original publisher.
  • Minor edits will be made within 14 days after publication. Post-publication changes involving content will be made only if there is a problem with comprehensibility. Such changes will be accompanied by a note of revision. External links will be validated at the time of publication. Broken links will be fixed at the author’s request.

Begin Submission


Review process

All articles and commentaries go through a two-step review process:

  1. Internal Review. The editors first review each manuscript to see if it meets the basic requirements (i.e., that it reports on original research or presents an original framework linking previous research, second language acquisition theory, and teaching practices), and that it is of sufficient quality to merit external review. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements and are principally descriptions of classroom practices or software are not sent out for further review. The internal review generally takes 1-2 weeks. Following the internal review, authors are notified of the results. 

  2. External Review. Submissions which meet the basic requirements are then sent out for double blind peer review by 3 experts in the field. The external review takes approximately 2-3 months. Following the external review, the authors are sent copies of the external reviewers’ comments and are notified as to the decision (accept, resubmit for review (major revisions required and a new external review will be conducted), revisions required (minor revisions required), decline/reject).


LLT encourages authors to consider uploading their data collection materials to the IRIS database. IRIS is an online repository for data collection materials used for second language research. This includes data elicitation instruments such as interview and observation schedules, language tests and stimuli, pictures, questionnaires, software scripts, url links, word lists, teaching intervention activities, amongst many other types of materials used to elicit data. Please see for more information and to upload. Any questions, or the materials themselves, may be sent to When your article has been formally accepted for publication, your instrument(s) can be uploaded to the IRIS database with an 'in press' reference. The IRIS team will add page numbers to the reference once they are available.

IRIS Replication Research Award Announcement

View award information and criteria as well as the 2018 award winner:

Email questions to
IRIS is also on Facebook

Dorothy Chun & Trude Heift, Editors

Published by the National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) with additional support by the NFLRC and the Center for Language & Technology at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.



The latest ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking for 2022 showed that LLT had an Impact Factor of 3.80, placing it 14th out of 194 Linguistics journals and 55th out of 269 Education and Educational Research journals. Read more about our rankings here.


99th percentile
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The latest CiteScore for LLT is 9.0 and is ranked 10th out of 1001 (99th percentile) in Language and Linguistics. Read more about our CiteScore rankings in other subject areas indexed by Scopus here.

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