Copy Editing @ LLT

LLT Copy Editor Volunteer & Badging Program

Volunteer Form

The Language Learning & Technology (LLT) journal grants electronic credentials (badges) to qualified individuals who perform copyediting of manuscripts that have been accepted for publication in the journal. The badges constitute official recognition for this important service to the profession. LLT is a free- of- charge, fully-refereed, open journal which has been published exclusively online since its founding in July 1997. The journal seeks to disseminate research to foreign and second language educators on issues related to technology and language education. The focus of LLT is not technology per se, but rather issues related to second language learning and language teaching, and how they are affected and/or enhanced by the use of digital technologies.

Copyeditors ensure that manuscripts to be published in LLT are written in academic English and adhere to the guidelines of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) most recent Publication Manual. This is a service to the academic community and can benefit the copyeditors by familiarizing them with an important part of the publication process for an academic journal while also learning about the latest research and best practices for publishing academic papers in the field. Individuals can display their earned badges on their personal website, online profile or in their electronic portfolio, demonstrating expertise and experience in copyediting for one of the top journals in the field of Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL).


Graduate students, researchers, and faculty in the fields of (applied) linguistics, second/foreign language education, and educational technology are eligible to become copyeditors. Applications can be found here. After the application has been submitted, candidates will receive an email with a link to complete a copyediting exercise. This exercise should take approximately 20 minutes to complete and will be submitted to the Managing Editor of LLT. Satisfactory completion of the task moves them to the training stage, where they are given a full review or column to copyedit.

Copyediting Assignments

Once a volunteer copyeditor has successfully gone through the eligibility process, they are added to a copyeditor database. All efforts will be made to assign articles to copyedit in a fair and expedient manner whereby all assignments are subject to availability and are on a “first come, first serve” basis.

New copyeditors will receive priority over copyeditors who have already had a chance to copyedit with us. In addition, all copyedits will be reviewed by the Managing Editor, and copyeditors with a proven track record of timely, high quality work will be prioritized for subsequent assignments. While we will strive to work around individual schedules, the natural ebb and flow of submissions means that there are busier times than others. We cannot guarantee any minimum number of assignments in one calendar year.

Criteria to Obtain Badges

There are three levels of LLT Copyediting badges: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. LLT Copyediting badges are granted on a cumulative credit system that resets every calendar year. The maximum number of LLT copyediting credits earned in a given calendar year is used to determine the type of badge (gold, silver or bronze) granted to an individual. LLT copyediting credits are earned as follows: 1 full article = 3 credits; 1 column = 2 credits; 1 review = 1 credit. 

Evidence of Earned Badges

Linked to each badge will be the DOI of the published pieces associated with the badge as well as the URL of the publication in the journal.

Bronze (Copyeditor I): successful completion of 3 LLT copyediting credits in a calendar year


Silver (Copyeditor II): successful completion of 9 LLT copyediting credits in a calendar year


Gold (Copyeditor III): successful completion of 18 LLT copyediting credits in a calendar year

Dorothy Chun & Trude Heift, Editors

Published by the National Foreign Language Resource Center (NFLRC) with additional support by the NFLRC and the Center for Language & Technology at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.



The latest ISI Journal Citation Reports® Ranking for 2022 showed that LLT had an Impact Factor of 3.80, placing it 14th out of 194 Linguistics journals and 55th out of 269 Education and Educational Research journals. Read more about our rankings here.


99th percentile
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The latest CiteScore for LLT is 9.0 and is ranked 10th out of 1001 (99th percentile) in Language and Linguistics. Read more about our CiteScore rankings in other subject areas indexed by Scopus here.

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